Friday, March 9, 2012

Can White people with blue eyes in North West of Europe recognize the colour of Yellow ?

This question is not based on skin colour.

But, I think they can recognize the colour of White clearly more than Yellow, as their eyes are blue, because they have adopted to live in dark and cold area where the sunlight doesn't shine much.

So, Can they recognize the lights and stars as white or yellow?Can White people with blue eyes in North West of Europe recognize the colour of Yellow ?

Your query really seems racist to me.

I noticed that you spelled the word "colour" in the English version, rather than "color" as in America.

Your query has nothing to do with genealogy; it is either simply a racist thing to get people's goats or about genetics...with a very poor linkage to genetics.

It also show a great deal of ignorance. If you had watched the last season of "Survivor", you saw that Philip, an obviously black person, has blue eyes. See:鈥?/a>

People of Armenia, Turkey, Syria, and Central Asia have blue eyes.

Since you said "Can White people with blue eyes..." you query is definitely racist, and against Community Guidelines.

Eye color is due to genetics, but also due to the diet, which influences eye color. All babies are born with blue eyes; eye colors change as persons age. Even yours.

And, to answer your query, people with any pupil color can see any color...with the exception of those persons who are color blind. Usually the color blind are color blind as to differentiating red/green (a hazard to drivers).
Thanks for Best Answer !!!! :) Perhaps I should quit for awhile...this heat is really getting to me. S.A.T.

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Can White people with blue eyes in North West of Europe recognize the colour of Yellow ?
I am not sure why you have posted in genealogy which is the research of ancestry via cited written records.................I think your question is about colour blindness which is genetic...well I hope your question is about colour blindness and not about different races of people and their skin colour as 'if ' it is about races, what you are asking is racist ...............the country and skin colour someone is has NOTHING at all to do with how and what 'colours' people see

IF it is about colour blindness, it is passed via genes by females normally to their children...females carry and pass on the gene but it is generally males who would develop the colour you need to have your eyes tested to find out
Well I was born with a skin cancer type pigmentation, red hair, blue eyes and I freckle and burn. I recognize yellow as a color. Also when I look up into the Heavens and see planets and stars most of them are white and then there is that red planet. A large part of my ancestry comes from northwestern Europe. My only problem is putting up with glare.Can White people with blue eyes in North West of Europe recognize the colour of Yellow ?
Eye color has nothing to do with recognition of colors. The iris is the colored part, and the light that hits the retina and is therefore seen does not pass through the iris. The pupil of the eye, which does pass the light into the eye appears black for that very reason - the light is not reflected, but rather passed through.
I have blue eyes and I have that ancestry, so the answer is yes. We see the color yellow just like anybody else. Ask Maxi, she will laugh in your face.
i knew a irish person and also a swedish german descended person who coudnt interestingly

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