Friday, March 9, 2012

When a hurricane comes ashore where is the storm surge damage worst?

When a hurricane comes ashore where is the storm surge damage worst, directly along the path of the eye, north of or south of the path of the eye?When a hurricane comes ashore where is the storm surge damage worst?
The storm surge is worst on the east side of the hurricane. All the water that is driven up onto a shoreline during a hurricane is due to the fact that hurricanes spin counter-clock wise. This means the wind will come from the southeast, and these winds drive the water upon the shore. Also, this is why hurricane Katrina devasted New Orleans with the east side of the storm hitting the city.When a hurricane comes ashore where is the storm surge damage worst?
First of all, it depends on the direction that the hurricane is moving. If it is the Atlantic Ocean, then it moves east to west. If in the Pacific, they move west to east. On the Atlantic, the storm surge is worst to the west of the eye, in the direction of the storm. On the Pacific, the surge is worst to the east, in the direction of the storm.When a hurricane comes ashore where is the storm surge damage worst?
It's to the East of the eye...Also known as the dirty side of the storm.

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