Friday, March 9, 2012

Why do America constantly start wars?

ever since ww2 When Britain teached them how to fight properly they have not gone a single year with out starting a war all the way up-to now. now there pulling out of Afghanistan and Iraq. they are eyeing north Korea up. and Iran. even Pakistan. What the Hell is a matter with you Americans. Russia and china are quite peaceful there not attacking. anyoneWhy do America constantly start wars?
America didn't rescue Britain. They only got off their *** when they got attacked themselves.

The key battles were won by British troops. That war would have been lost without Britain OR America. It took both of them to win it.
Based on your lack of skills in written communications and use of the English language, I don't think you have the historical knowledge to ask such a question. But in case you can comprehend, I will keep it simple. Somebody has to keep the world in line and safe from Hitlers, Stalins, Komenis, and Saddams, etc, nobody else is capable without us.

With the present administration, we are quickly losing this capability. Hopefully you have some capability to comprehend how these things work. Are you a product of a superior British education? I really don't think so. And, by the way, we are very grateful that the British taught Americans how to fight. I suppose that you don't know that the U.S. kicked Britiains *** in two wars. Seems as if knowing how to fight hasn't been something that was needed to be taught by your countrymen.

Attn Biracial Beauty: Why do you dumb asses insist that Bush stole oil. There was absolutely no oil involved in the attack on Iraq. Please get a real education. By the way, we are not getting oil, opium, or anything from Afganistan either.Why do America constantly start wars?
We have a curropted government. Johnson wanted to enter into the war during pearl harbor times. Johnson was warned multiple times to stop providing to both sides of the war and to stay nutruel but everyone knows that wars make money. Johnson ignored the advice, later he was warned the Japs were coming with missle and he ignored it to make it the Americans think that we were being attacked for no good reason when we were being attacked because Johnson played both sides of the fence and the Japs got tired of it.

Bush started this war so we can go over and steal oil. The 9-1-1 attack, was a set up by our own gov't so we can have an excuse to go over there and take oil. Now Bush and Condelezza Rice has THEIR OWN CONSTRUCTION companies over there rebuilding Iraq. So not only were their taken our taxes for being in congress but now they have a steady income from their construction companies for rebuilding Iraq. "Can you say genius plan". I 2nd guess everything our gov't says, because everything they have told us has been a lie. 911 wasn't their first attempt it's their 2nd.

This is an article about an army colonel suing the Gov't for not allowing them to issue his book on how 911 was a setup by our own gov't.

Bombs were heard going off in the building before they went down plus demolition experts has said that the way the building fell it had to be bombs set up in the building otherwise the building would of had a domino affect. The construction company that built the twin towers has said the buildings were made to sustain several plane crashes by an airplane of that size.
I think people should try to understand that Americans do not vote on whether we go to war or for this current war..Americans oppose it as they did Vietnam..yes, we vote these people in office..but it's not like they campaign and say " Vote for me, I want to start war with a third world country so I can build a pipeline to get oil but I will lie and tell you it's for your own good...National Security, " Trust me,Why do America constantly start wars?
America has always had the attitude that they are THE World's Policemen. And unfortunately, America continues to act as THE World's Policemen. Average Americans aren't "for" our governments policies...we're just stuck with the warlike tendencies OF our government.
you mean when we came to rescue britain?

name each war for each year since then, please.

they're, not there.
Let me guess? why do Britain constantly start wars? You guys done far worse than us.
i love star wars
How come you no speak good English?
War is a food for UK and US.

Don't forget Israel: Israel = WAR + Racism.
We start wars because we have to find money. The economy is always better during a war. America is dieing. We are 44-trillion dollars in debt. We do not own our own country any longer. 43 of the states have filed for bankruptcy. The government has been insolvent since the 20s and they just gave themselves a raise. What a bunch of garbage.

We have to fight wars or admit that we are dieing as a nation. America is on the verge of complete economic and social collapse. War burns up resources and stimulates the economy. It is the only way for America to survive as a country.

We had to attack Iraq, they wanted to use currency other than USD for the oil trade. Do you know that oil is traded between countries exclusively in USD. That every country in the world is holding USD. That the Federal Reserve Bank has printed so many USD that they are not even worth the paper they are written on. Do you know that there is no gold in Fort Knox, that it is all owned by the Federal Reserve Bank. Do you know that the Federal Reserve Bank owns you? There is a number on your birth certificate and if you look up that number you will find that you are a stock. You can find your own value in the stock market. You were given to the Federal Reserve Bank as Collateral against the Loan to America. You are owned.

1. Go to

2. Click on 'Research'.

3. Click on 'Quote'.

4. Click on 'Symbol Look Up'.

5. Type in your Birth Number on the Birth Certificate with the dashes (e.g. 156-88-102939).

6. Make sure the top two drop-down menus are 'MUTUAL FUND' and 'FUND NUMBER' BEFORE you perform the search to find out who is trading on the FUND for the Birth Certificate.

7. Click on the Initialed Trading Company name under 'SYMBOL'. This will give you all of the trading information about who is trading on the fund that the birth certificate is a part of. This document was created when you were an infant. Commercial laws allow for you to cancel and rescind this simple contract鈥擴CC3-203鈥攁nd to make a Claim in recoupment (Reparations) for fraud committed upon you when you were and infant (See UCC 3-305).
  • the amnesia
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