Friday, March 9, 2012

White - Blonde Haired light Eyed - North Indians/ Pakistani's?

Okay so anyone who knows South Asian genetics well - knows that we don't all fall into the stereotypical 'dark Brown' look - due to migrations to the sub-continent over the years means that we can basically look like anything some dark, olive, very dark, northeast indians are mongoloid.

All in all people who have a vague knowledge know it something like this -

South Indians (and usually most other Indians):鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

And the Northwest Indians (Punjab Kashmiri etc):鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

However - last time when I went to Punjab, and areas of Himachal Pradesh and Kashmir there were many people who looked strange looking they were usually poor - they had white/ tannish skin with dirty blonde hair and strange features - here are some pictures I found which looked like the people which I saw:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

Two questions -

Do they look more European to you - or have more South Asian Punjabi features hence why they look strange?

and furthermore why do they look like this - even though their are pale skinned light haired children in my family as well:鈥?/a>

These kids look rather awkward - is this a gene defect of some sort they have such as a lack of melanin?

Edit: Please give a more logical answer than 'they are mixed with British' I have seen this said many times - but various genetic tests have been taken in the Northwest and none have British genes - the few which are mixed with British are called Anglo-Indians.

I just want to know from a genetical perspective why the look like this - not european white or South Asian Punjabi?White - Blonde Haired light Eyed - North Indians/ Pakistani's?
i think it goes to show you that we are all connected in a strange way, we are all one race!
i'm super fair skinned, i melt in the sun but my dad, who is Scottish and welsh american and a little native american in him, like 16%, he looks almost Italian and he when he tan's he is very much olive colored to where he looks almost Latino or like some of these people in the photos, he was even once stopped at an airport because he had a thick black goatee and they thought he was a terrorist probably has to do with the region and evolution. you skin has to adapt or you die. people probably north don't have such hot weather so their skin and pigment stay white so that they can absorb vitamin D better, where as in the south its darker because its hotter and the sun is closer to them they don't need vitamin D as much so their skin is darker so that they can be more protected from it. i hope that helps a littleWhite - Blonde Haired light Eyed - North Indians/ Pakistani's?
Hi, Im a Sikh. I went thru your flikr site - very beautiful collection of photos - very well done indeed. Especially that one of the Sikh in the Harmandir Sahib Sarover. And believe me, i think im better looking than more than half those photos. LOL.........

Im also pleased that the two South Indians you put up on this page are good lookin people. Remember though we are different, and though we North Indians are fairer, that does not transalate into better looking. South Indian women can be incredible looking, and are voluptuous in the right places as compared to Punju women. Why dont you put up photos of dark intense South Indian eyes. My girlfriend long back was a Tulu, and i still shiver when i remember looking into those eyes.

I did not like the photo in this link鈥?/a> please remove the " a racial comparison of Punjabi's and South Indians " the 9 versus 9 photos of North and South Indian women. Thatsa biased photo because you have chosen selectively, and it does not do credit to an otherwise beautiful collection. Put up some photos of Good Looking Gujus - Just Google Beautiful women from Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Bengal ................and you will see

Now to answer your question - i may be wrong, a lot of Greek and Central Asian blood was intermixed on the old silk route but this was in Afghanistan. Some of this spilt into Punjab and the photos you have put up are this small %. Cmon dude, most of us Punjabis are not so good looking. We North Indians and Pakis as a race are fairly good looking, but the Pashtuns, the Lebanese, the Turks, the Venezuelans, the Norwegians, are much better looking, The Germans and American Blacks look more manly, the South East Asians as a whole look more intelligent ( thats a no brainer )

PART 2 -

You put up a question on Khalistan, a Hindu Punjabi put up a similar q a month or so back. You dont know how wrong you are - please read;鈥?/a>

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